• 玉竹大
  • 玉竹小
  • 海玉竹

Polygonatum Odoratum 玉竹 (100g)

Regular price
RM 13.00
Sale price
RM 13.00
Regular price
RM 0.00
Ships to Malaysia & Singapore | 顺丰草药 Soon Hong Herbs
Ships to Malaysia & Singapore
Secure payments | 顺丰草药 Soon Hong Herbs
Secure payments
Authentic products, ships out within 1-2 business days | 顺丰草药 Soon Hong Herbs
Authentic products, ships out within 1-2 business days

Introducing Polygonatum Odoratum (玉竹) – Nature's Elixir for Wellness!

Harvested from nature's embrace, Polygonatum Odoratum is a treasure trove of health benefits. Revered in traditional Chinese medicine, these aromatic rhizomes offer a symphony of flavors and a myriad of wellness perks. Known for promoting respiratory health and strengthening the immune system, our Polygonatum Odoratum is a must-have in your holistic lifestyle.

Whether infused in teas or incorporated into culinary delights, these versatile rhizomes bring a touch of herbal elegance to your daily rituals. Embrace the soothing essence of Polygonatum Odoratum and unlock the secrets of well-being that have stood the test of time.